Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Blogging be gone!!! But not really....

I don't know what it is about blogging, but we really just don't get along. Like, not at all. During the last semester of my college career, I was in this really *awesome* English class. I loved the teacher, I loved the material, I loved the class so much that I actually arrived early or on time for most of the semester. That in and of itself is a true feat, believe me. But you see, we had this blog thing we were supposed to do for the course. It didn't have to be complicated or anything, we just had to post something on the class website that was somehow logically related to the material on a weekly basis. But I just couldn't do it. I posted no more than five times throughout the 14-week semester. Those posts were "the bomb" if I do say so myself; I did indeed "drop some knowledge" each and every time. But I really hated sitting down and writing them. All that explanation, the feeling of being obligated to write in correct grammar when really all I wanted to do was fill the page with lowercased i's and "prolly" and "wanna" and "gonna" b/c I'm too lazy to spell out two full words and hold down the shift button. Or maybe it was the fact that I knew I was technically being forced to write those blogs, that if I didn't write them I was going to FAIL THE CLASS!!! (but not really b/c yeah, I only wrote five and I did really well in the class). Is it my rebellious side coming through? Down with rules? Down with organized thinking? Perfect timing considering my new-found profession...
Anyway. I guess I just wanted to give an explanation for the late-as-all-heck blogs and the long lapses between posts. I do have things to say. I do. I'm just to busy/tired/lazy to type them down. And that's truly a shame b/c I really love typing.
And to be quite honest, a small part of me is worried about my lack of motivation to blog. What if it's during the school year and something happens in one of my classes (can be a big or small incident) that gets me thinking or gets me riled up or brings up a new question or issue for me, what happens then? I could go to my blog and post something about it, maybe some previously-enlightened Teacher Corps participant will have the answer or a suggestion; maybe what I'm contemplating will start some good ol' healthy debate. But will I actually post those thoughts? I probably won't. Just bein real...
Or maybe something will happen in school that won't through me off my mental rocker necessarily but will be worth a blog post. And maybe what's happened to me has already happened to some other teacher I know and it'll just be nice to know that you're not the only person that this crazy stuff is happening to. But will that story ever become an official Ghost Story? Yeeeeeahhhh it's kinda doubtful.
Me + Blog = Generally Incompatible.
And I guess that's kind of unfortunate.

I'll try to write on a topic of greater importance next time...


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