Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ready for a Break

I have never been so ready for Thanksgiving Break in my life, I don't think. The past month has been ridiculous, full of parent meetings, class work, disorganization, headaches, late nights, early mornings, etc. For me, October was indeed a hard month to get through, harder than last year's October. First, last October I was full of disapointment, sadness and anger, not knowing how best to fix the things I was doing wrong, upset that my students weren't better at being students, absolutely exhausted and seeing that my administration didn't care. This year, the negative feelings I'm having are self-directed. I'm not in the exact same place as I was last year, but I feel like I am. I expect to be significantly better at teaching or at least at having my life together as a teacher, but I'm not that much better. Now that I realize this, I'm generally fine with it. Can't be great in the short time that I've been teaching. But the damage has been done. I'm backed up in paperwork, grading, grading, grading, and not to mention graduate work.
Also, I moved to a new district this year because I wanted to escape certain "evils" that I was facing at my old school. Little did I know that I would just be swapping one evil for another. Instead of apathetic students, I have students that care only about the grade they get and not subject matter (which of course is the opposite of what I expected). Unlike last year, I have a very caring, competent administration. But at times I feel pulled in so many directions (paperwork, advice up the wazoo, different meetings), that trying to do all of what is asked of me isn't going to be possible until we get 30-hour days. Instead of the uninvolved parent, I have the super-involved parent that has been taking up allllllll my free time. I tell you, all of it.

I will be more than happy in about 30 hours, when I am officially on Thanksgiving Break. On Monday I will wake up and think "It's Monday," and I will go back to bed. I'm positive it will be a good day.


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